Offer Submitted

The Hiring Manager has decided to move forward with a Candidate and offer them the position that they have applied to.

Upon completion of this action, both the Hiring Manager and the Recruiter associated with the Candidate will receive the email below.



When a Candidate is selected and all the openings for the job are filled, all other applications will automatically be dispositioned to “No Offer.” The dispositioning of the candidates will only happen when the number of position equal Zero if the job has multiple vacancies.  Then return the dispositioned candidates to the candidate pool as New.

Each non-selected candidate will automatically receive the following email:


As part of this automation, candidates so dispositioned will be returned to the candidate pool as “New.”

Selecting a Candidate will automatically convert them to an employee within the Salesforce system. However, as the above email notes, Hiring Managers must then initiate the AFPC By Name Request RPA Process. 
